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Maharishi Arvind Institute of Science and Management
MCA Batch 2002-2003
[III Semester]

Visual Basic programming language assignments (You can also download all programs as code.zip.)


Assignment Objective Source
1. Take appropriate text boxes and command buttons to accept text in one text box, copy it to another text box and append (concat) them in the yet another text box. assgn1.zip
2. Write a procedure to accept two integer values and perform the following operations on them,
(i) Addition, (ii) Subtraction, (iii) Multiplication, and (iv) Division.
3. Define Keypress events for various control keys and their combinations such as Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Ctrl+Alt, Alt+Shift, Ctrl+Alt. assgn3.zip
4. Define maximum value of a variable and accept a value in it and display appropriate messages that the value is acceptable or not. assgn4.zip
5. Accept a name in small letters and convert it into capital letters. assgn5.zip
6. Accept text "University Computer Center" and change background and foreground color of the text. Display the abbreviated form UCC back to the user. assgn6.zip
7. Display properties of currently loaded form (name, width, height, caption) and set password for loading another form. assgn7.zip
8. Display circle, rectangle and lines on the form with command buttons. Provide a refresh button also. assgn8.zip
9. Draw a pie chart with color. assgn9.zip
10. Display all drives, directories, and subdirectories in treeview form.


11. Write a program to generate first 10 terms of Fibonacci series recursively. assgn11.zip
12. Write a program to compute factorial of an integer recursively. assgn12.zip
13. Write a program to search an element in the list of integers using binary search method. assgn13.zip
14. Write a procedure to accept only a non numeric capital letter in a box and numeric value in another textbox only and display characters in small case appended with numeric data. assgn14.zip
15. Create a list of items and find total no. of items and current position in the list and display selected item from the list and remove it after confirmation. assgn15.zip
16. Read a text file name, determine the size of file in lines and bytes. assgn16.zip
17. Various database access operations. (The code is merged for #25 and #26 too) assgn17_25_26.zip
18. Perform various operations on list,
(i) Enter items in list1,
(ii) Move items one-by-one from list1 to list2,
(iii) Move all items from list1 to list2,
(iv) Copy items from list1 to list2, and
(v) Sort list1 and display sorted list in list2.
19. Create a list and perform the following operations on it,
(i) Add items,
(ii) Search a item in the list,
(iii) Control moves to first and last record, and
(iv) Display no. of items in the list.
20. Demonstrate features of ComboBox control such as DropDown, Simple and DropDown List. assgn20.zip
21. Make a simple calculator. (The code is merged for # 22 too) assgn21.zip
23. Perform following file control operations,
(i) List all drives,
(ii) List sub-folders,
(iii) List all parent folders, and
(iv) List all files of a selected directory.

I have omitted #27 (since it was not clear to me), and #24 (the code I have written has become extra-ordinarily sophisticated and is proprietary now (I am in a mood to sale it), you can get an exe from here) of the college assignments.

programming language assignments (You can also download all programs as code.zip.)


Assignment Objective Source
1. Write a program to generate the 10 terms of the Fibonacci series. fibo.prg
2. Write a program to accept a number and find out sum of digits. sod.prg
3. Write a program to accept a five digit number such as 12345 and display them as,
4. Write a program to accept N numbers and find out the largest amongst them. largest.prg
5. Write a program to calculate income tax on given salary/income as per the rules,
(i) No tax, if salary < Rs. 50,000.
(ii) 20% on the exceeding amount if salary is < Rs. 75,000.
(iii) 30% on the exceeding amount if salary is < Rs. 1,35,000.
(iv) 40% on the exceeding amount + Rs. 23,000 otherwise.
6. Write a program to generate and display first N prime numbers. prm.prg
7. Write a program to find out the sum of the following series,
S = 1 + X1/1! + X2/2! + ... + Xn/n!

I have done only 7 important assignments. You will have to do the rest at your own.

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