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MCA Batch 2002-2003 [IV Semester Syllabus] 401 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Introduction to MIS: Meaning and role of MIS, Definition of MIS, Systems approach to MIS, MIS organization within a company. Concept of balanced MIS, effectiveness, and efficiency criteria. MIS Planning: MIS structure and components, MIS features, Problems and derivation of MIS plans, Prioritization and development strategies. Conceptual Design of MIS: Definition of the problem, System objectives and system constraints. Analysis of information source, Alternative systems design and selection of optimal system. Conceptual systems design. Detailed Systems Design and Implementation: Application of basis systems design concepts to MIS, Involvement of end-user and role of MIS department and System Analyst, Role of Top Management during design and implementation. Systems evaluation review and update. Management and control of MIS function. Advanced MIS – concept, Decision Support System, Pitfalls in MIS development. MIS in Operation: (see note at end) MIS for Accounting, and Finance Function, MIS for Personnel Systems, MIS for Marketing Systems, Production and Inventory Systems. Note: A STANDARD LAYOUT IS TO BE ADOPTED FOR ALL MIS: 1) Key Information
Prerequisite: Database Management System. Physical Database Design: Determinants of database performance, Representation of tables using operating system files, Single table files, and table fragmentation, Clustered table organization, Typical page organization – Indexing, B-Tree, B-Tree organization, Clustered and non-clustered indices, Hashing, Static and dynamic hashing and Buffering. Query Processing: Query processing stages, Query interpretation-equivalence of expressions, Query resource utilization, Query execution statistics, Query execution plans, Estimation of query processing cost, Table scans, Sample index access, Fill factor, Multiple tables (merge, join), Structure of a query optimizer. Transaction Processing: Definition of transaction, Desirable properties of transaction schedules and Recoverability, Serializability of schedules, Level transaction consistency, Deadlocks, Nested transactions, Long duration transactions, Transaction performance and Transaction bench-marking. Crash Recovery and Concurrency Control: Failure classification, Recovery concepts, Recovery concepts based on deferred updates, Recovery concepts based on immediate updates, Shadow paging, Checkpoints, Online backup during database updates. Concurrency Control – Locking techniques based on time-stamp ordering, Multi-version techniques, Optimization techniques, Multiple granularity. Distributed Databases: Distributed database concepts, Types of distributions, Architecture of distributed databases, Design of distributed databases, Distributed query processing, Recovery in distributed systems, Commit protocols for distributed databases. Integrity, Security, and Repositories: Need for database integrity constraints, non-procedural integrity constraints, and Integrity constraints specifications in SQL, Introduction to database security issues, Authorization and use Views as security mechanism, Security specifications in SQL, Systems catalogs. Emerging Database Trends: Introduction – Client/Server databases, Object oriented databases, Active databases, Deductive databases, Concepts of next generation databases, Data warehousing, Multimedia databases. Design and Database Administration Skills on near-real-life applications in a commercial RDBMS package like Ingres, Oracle or Sybase.
Linear Programming: LP formulation, Graphical method for solving LPs with 2 variables, Simplex method, Duality theory, Special linear programming problems – Transportations problem (North-West corner, Least-Cost and Vogel approximation methods), Assignment problems (Hungarian method), Transshipment model. Network Analysis: Examples of network flow problems, Shortest route problems – Dijkstra’s algorithm, Application of shortest-route problem, Max flow problem – Flow network, Labeling routines and algorithms, Min-cut and max-flow min-cut theorems. Project Scheduling by PERT/CPM: Project management – Origin and use of PERT and CPM, Applications of PERT and CPM. Project network – Diagram representation, Critical path calculation by linear programs, Critical path calculation by network analysis and Critical Path Method (CPM), Construction of time chart and resource labeling, Program Evaluation and Review Techniques. Dynamic Programming: Basic concepts, Bellman’s optimality principles, Examples of DP models, and computations. Examples of Allocation, Replacement, Networks, Sequencing and Scheduling. Queuing Models: Notations and assumptions, Queuing models with Poisson input and exponential services – Birth-death queuing systems, Queuing cost behavior, Single and multiple channel queuing models, Single service counter and arrivals through multiple channels, Poisson arrival and Erlang Service distribution. Sequencing Models: Sequencing problems, Johnson’s Algorithm for processing N jobs through TWO and THREE mechanism, Processing two jobs through N machines. Inventory Models: Introduction to inventory problems, Deterministic Models – The classical EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) Model, Non-zero lead time, The EOQ with shortages allowed.
An Overview of Object Oriented Programming: The need of object oriented programming, Procedural v/s object-oriented approaches, Advantages of object oriented programming, Characteristics of object oriented language – Objects, Classes, Inheritances, Active data, Message passing, Reusability, New data types, Polymorphism and Overloading. Object Oriented Programming Tools and C++: An overview of C++ programming, Simple program construction, Functions, Statements, Inputs/Outputs, Preprocessors, Comments, Variables and Manipulators, Data types, Type conversions, and Library functions. Operators, Loops, and Decision statements. Structures, Structures within structures, Structures and classes, Enumerated data types. Functions: Function declaration, Calling, Passing arguments to functions, Returning values from functions, Reference arguments, Overloaded functions, Variables and Storage classes. Objects and Classes: C++ objects, Objects as function arguments, Classes, Object and Memory. Arrays: Defining arrays, Multidimensional arrays, Passing arrays to functions, Arrays of structures, Arrays as class members data, Arrays of objects, Arrays of strings. Operator Overloading: Overloading unary, binary, and arithmetic operators, Adding polar co-ordinates, Concatenating strings, Multiple overloading, Pitfalls of operator overloading and Conversion. Inheritance: Derived class and base class, Overriding member functions, Class hierarchy, Public and private inheritances, Levels of inheritance, Multiple inheritance. Pointers: Addresses and pointers, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and functions, Use of pointers in strings, Linked list and memory management, Pointers to objects. Files and Streams: Streams, Strings and objects I/O, I/O with multiple objects, File operations using pointers. C++ Class Library, Multi-file programs, Graphics and virtual functions. Applications – Object oriented programming in simulation and AI. Programming environment.
Prerequisite: All core courses of computer science and engineering. Administration of the Centre: Overview of the industry and manpower levels, Duties and responsibilities of the computer centre director, Location of the centre in organizational structure, Internal organization of the centre, Computer security, Priority, and Pricing policies, Differences between business research and Educational computing centers. Personnel: Profile of the computer centre managers, Classifications of computing centre personnel, Salaries by job classifications, Recruiting techniques, Psychology and productivity of programmers, Importance of quality control. Hardware: Trends in cost performance, Optimum computer acquisition cycle, Arguments for centralized v/s decentralized facilities, Lease v/s purchase decisions, Contractual aspects of equipments acquisition. Computer Selection and Performance Evaluation: Computer selection techniques, Performance measurement using monitors and simulators, Performance prediction using simulators and analytical models, Scheduling algorithms. Balancing Personnel and Hardware: Effect of installation mission on personnel level and Personnel types, Personnel level v/s monthly hardware rental costs, Effects of computer availability on total cost, Mathematical model relating personnel, hardware size and installation mission, Recruiting implications of hardware-personnel balance. Software Evaluation
and Selection: Factors affecting make-or-buy decision on software,
Unbundling and its effects on software procurement, Contractual aspects
of purchasing software, Selecting appropriate languages and services,
Cost of program conversion, Mathematical model for the
programming-conversion decision. |
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