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Assignment Objective |
Source |
1. |
Write an interactive program for computing the
factorial of a given number |
factorial.cpp |
2. |
Write a C++ program to add two vectors using
dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory. |
vectsum.cpp |
3. |
Write a program to check whether a given year is
leap or not. |
leapyr.cpp |
4. |
Write a program to convert a given binary number
to its equivalent decimal number. |
bintdec.cpp |
5. |
Develop a program to compute the roots of a
quadratic equation. Use switch statement to handle different values of
discriminate (b2-4ac). |
quadeq.cpp |
6. |
Write a program to compute exponential value of a
given number x using the series 1 + x/1! + x2/2!+... |
exponnt.cpp |
7. |
Write a program to sort elements of an array of
integers using,
(i) Bubble Sort, (ii) Linear Sort, and (iii) Shell Sort. |
varsort.cpp |
8. |
Write a program to perform following operations on
(i) Find out length, (ii) Copy, (iii) Combine two strings, (iv) Break up the
string into two pieces (strings), (v) Case conversion, and (vi) Comparison. |
stroper.cpp |
9. |
Write a template based program to demonstrate
multiple swap functions and function overloading. |
swptmplt.cpp |
10. |
Write a program to solve Tower of Hanoi simulation
problem using recursion. |
twrhan.cpp |
11. |
Write a program to generate Fibonacci series using
recursion. |
fibrec.cpp |
12. |
Write overloaded function for computing area of a
triangle, circle, and rectangle. |
areaolf.cpp |
13. |
Write a program to implement recursive Binary
Search. |
bnsrch.cpp |
14. |
Write a program to process student data and
generate a report using structures and functions. Accept rollno, name,
branch and % marks from the user and then display them back as a report on
the console. |
stustrrep.cpp |
15. |
Create a class called Time that has separate
member for hours, minutes and seconds each. One constructor should
initialize it to zero and another one should to fix values. Member function
should display the time in 12 hour clock system (11:59:59). A final member
function should add two objects of type Time passed as arguments. |
timhms.cpp |
16. |
Define a class Counter that contains a data-member
count (int). Increment count using operator overloading (unary increment
operator ++). |
unrinc.cpp |
17. |
Create a class Distance that has separate data
members for feet and inches. Use constructors. Add objects using member
functions and this function should return a value of type Distance. |
distfi.cpp |
18. |
Create a class Employee that contains a name and
emp_no. Include a member function called getdata() for insertion of data
into the object and another function putdata() for displaying back object's
stored data. |
empinf.cpp |
19. |
Write main() program to exercise this class and
create an array of Employee. |
empinfarr.cpp |
20. |
Write a program for manipulating co-ordinates in
rectangular co-ordinate system. The class Point must include members such as
x and y (as data members) and add(), sub() etc. (as member functions). |
rectpnt.cpp |
21. |
Write a program to perform matrix manipulation
operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, comparison etc.)
with a class Matrix that uses the concept of dynamic memory allocation. |
matmanip.cpp |
22. |
Create Student class having roll_no, name as data
members. Develop a program to create array of pointers to class's object and
then display the students' details. |
arrptstd.cpp |
23. |
Write a program for creating a doubly linked list.
The program must support ordered insertion and deletion of a node. |
dllucpp.cpp |
24. |
Write a program to overload required operators for
a complex class to perform basic operations. |
opovrld.cpp |
25. |
Write a program to overload arithmetic operators
for manipulating vectors. |
vectoo.cpp |
26. |
With String as base class derive a class
Pstring that presents buffer overflow when too long string constant is used
to initialize the string. The constructor in the derived class should copy
MAXLIMIT – 1 characters into string, if the string constant is longer,
entire constant otherwise. Write main() function to test with strings of
different length. |
pstrclsiht.cpp |
27. |
Write a program to create Graphics class
hierarchy. Create an abstract base class called Figure and derive two
classes – Open and Close from it. Declare two more classed called Polygon
and Ellipse using the Close class. Create derived classes Line and Polyline
from Open class. Define three objects (triangle, rectangle, and pentagon) of
the class Polygon. All class must have appropriate member functions in
addition to the relevant constructors and destructors. |
grpclhr.cpp |
28. |
[a] Write a program
having definition for structure (or class) which is used in creation and
deletion of linked list.
[b] Using Distance class overload * (multiplication) operator so that two
Distances can be multiplied together. Make it possible to write statements
such as, dist1 = 7.5 * dist2. |
[b] distoo.cpp |
29. |
Define a class – Person with a data
member – name (a character array). Derive two classes from it, namely –
Student and Professor. Student class has a data member gpa (average grade
point) of type float, and the Professor class has a data member numpubs
(number of papers published) of integer type. All these classes contain
function – outstanding() of type Boolean. Prepare a program to create a list
outstanding students and professors (use virtual function). |
virtprs.cpp |
30. |
Write a function template for finding the largest
number in a given array. The array parameter must be of generic type. |
lrgstmplt.cpp |
31. |
Write template based binary search function using
recursive algorithm. |
bnsrtmplt.cpp |
32. |
Write a program of file creation (text file).
Enter string character by character in the file and then display them back. |
fchrbchr.cpp |
33. |
Create a file stock.txt through a program
which has a class Inventory (having data members – item code, item name and
cost). Write data into the file using write() function and read them back
(using read()). |
stckfil.cpp |
34. |
Write a class called student. This class
should have overloaded stream operator functions to save and retrieve
objects of student class from file. Write an interactive program to
manipulate objects of the students’ class with a file. |
soovrld.cpp |
35. |
Write a program to maintain an employee
database. It has to maintain information such as employee id, name,
designation, qualification, and salary. The user must be able to access all
details about an employee either by entering employee id or name. The
program must have an option to support addition (of new records), updation,
and deletion operations in addition to the query. |
empdbapp.cpp |