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Assignment Objective |
Source |
1. |
Make a program to add the digits of a five-digit number and display the sum
of digits. |
sod.cob |
2. |
Write a COBOL program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers and
display their result. |
calc.cob |
3. |
Write a COBOL program to find out the largest and the smallest amongst three
numbers. |
larsml.cob |
4. |
Write a COBOL program to display Fibonacci series up to N terms. |
fibn.cob |
5. |
Write a COBOL program to check whether a given number is even or odd. |
evod.cob |
6. |
Write a COBOL program for calculation of tax according to the amount. |
taxcalc.cob |
7. |
Write a COBOL program to display natural numbers up to N terms. |
natn.cob |
8. |
Write a COBOL program to read a list of numbers to count total positive,
zero and negative numbers. |
cntnpz.cob |
9. |
Write a COBOL program to give a month number and display corresponding month
name in characters. |
cal.cob |
10. |
The data names Fact Value and Rate contains the fact value of equity shares
and the rate of dividend respectively. Write a COBOL program to calculate
the gross dividend using the formula: gross-dividend = fact-value * rate /
100. |
grd.cob |
11. |
Make a program to calculate the factorial of a given number. The program
should be in a interactive mode and running in infinte loop. |
fact.cob |
12. |
Write a COBOL program, which accepts N numbers in an array, and find the
average and highest number. |
avhi.cob |
13. |
Make a program to print out only accout adn balance. Record consists of:
account_number PIC 9(4), type of account PIC x(4), name of account holder
PIC X(30) and balance on July 31, 1996 PIC 9(6)V99. Data are to be read from
a file. File name is usually supplied. Output should be on 80 columns.
Header should consists of "Name of Institution" at center. After leaving
three lines of ' '. Header line giving the field name should appear at the
end of the report. Total number of account holders and total number of
accounts should also appear. |
bankop.cob |
14. |
Write a COBOL program to create a file, each record contains name, class,
and obtained marks of three subjects of each candidate. |
studop.cob |
15. |
Write a COBOL program to read a student file which is created in the
previous assignment and output it in tabular format:
Roll No. Name of the student Marks1 Marks2 Marks3 Total Marks |
studrd.cob |
16. |
Make a program to create a data file with record counter and append
facility. Record consists of name PIC X(10), telephone number PIC X(6),
address PIC X(50). Provide the facility through which a user can search the
name and address of a person by specifying his/her telephone number. |
telsrch.cob |
17. |
Electricity board bills its customers according to the following plan. For
industries < 5000 units Rs. 1.50/unit, >= 5000 but < 20000 Rs. 1.70/unit,
20000 or above Rs. 1.90/unit. For the educational institutions < 2000 50
paise/unit, 2000 or above 70 paise/unit. For government organizations 60
paise/unit. For household consumer < 200, 90 paise/unit, 200 and above Rs.
1/unit. Make a program which writes data in a file. Record contains 1.
Customer name PIC X(30), 2. Customer type PIC X. "1, 2, 3, 4" may be chosen
to indicate customer code. 3. Customer consumer number PIC X(5). 4. City
zone in which consumption is reported PIC X(4). 5. Consumption in units PIC
9(7). |
elecbill.cob |
18. |
Make a COBOL program output the following 1. Customer name and city zone, 2.
Consumer number, 3. Customer type, 4. Units consumed, 5. Total bill. Use the
information given in the previous assignment. |
elecdisp.cob |
19. |
Write a program in COBOL to sort a single dimensional array using 'Bubble
Sort' technique. |
bubbsort.cob |
20. |
Write a COBOL program which reads a square matrix of 3x3 order from the user
and then find out the sum of the diagonal elements. |
sqmatsum.cob |
21. |
In a company employees are allocated one fixed record per employee on a
wages master file. The format of this record on file contains Employee
Number, Employee Name, Hourly Rates of pay, Total Gross Income. The
transaction file contains fixed length record with format Employee Number
and Hours worked in a week.
Design and write a COBOL program to process the employee transaction file
against employee master file and produce & update master file and pay slip
for each employee. |
empsal.cob |
22. |
Write a COBOL program to accept the input data and display the output
information after performing the processing as given. |
empdata.cob |